Hello! Charlotte Scott, Mechelle Soehlig, and Kellie Turner are the founders of Kitty Chicks Rescue. This rescue was developed to help save kitties who are less fortunate and were born into the street life, which makes them feral. Our goal is to Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) as many as possible to help control the health and population of cat colonies. There are also kitties who have been abandoned to the streets by no fault of their own. Those who are friendly, we get them vetted and adopted into their forever homes. While we are making small steps in helping feral colonies, there is still a long way to go. With limited funding the feral colonies rely on private donations, persons and/or rescue groups to locate, trap and pay for TNR. While there are programs through First Coast No More Homeless Pets and the Jacksonville Humane Society funds are always limited.
Scientific studies show that Trap-Neuter-Return improves the lives of feral cats, improves their relationships with the people who live near them, and decreases the size of colonies over time.
TNR programs also help save kittens and thousands of cats by keeping them out of the shelters. Most feral cats who enter a shelter are euthanized. TNR has provided a way to save money and space in a shelter and allow the cats to live out their lives in their colony. TNR also helps feral cats live healthier lives in their colonies. All animals who are not spayed or neutered runs the risk of health issues such as mammary gland tumors/cancers, testicular cancer, heart disease and more.
For more information on studies of TNR please visit https://www.alleycat.org/resources/alley-cat-allies-feral-cat-spayneuter-clinic-findings/
The cats thank you for your support!!
The Kitty Chicks
4 Paws, 3 Chicks, 2 Traps, 1 Mission, 0 Homeless Cats